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Life is just blah blah blah. We hope for blah, and sometimes you find it, but mostly it's just blah. Waiting for blah, hoping you're right about the blahs you made. And just when you think you've got the whole blah damn thing figured out and we're surrounded by the ones we blah..
sjebala mi se h2h liga, nemam pojma kako samo sada dok sam proveravao poshto nisu izashli parovi pa sam hteo da vidim zashto pisalo mi da pochinje tek od drugog kola. Stavio sam neogranichen broj ljudi poshto se i ovako sjebalo.
Life is just blah blah blah. We hope for blah, and sometimes you find it, but mostly it's just blah. Waiting for blah, hoping you're right about the blahs you made. And just when you think you've got the whole blah damn thing figured out and we're surrounded by the ones we blah..
Da se opustimo i da se, kada nam neko provali da Tajler Durden u stvari ne postoji ili da je Verbal u stvari Kajzer Sose, samo setimo toga da smo u suštini i mi stoka koja ne zna šta je dobro za nas. Jer da znamo, ne bi postojale stvari kao što su kokakola, čips, cigare ili Ivan Ivanović.
Put your fuckin' mouth on the curb. Come on man. I said: Put your mouth on the curb! Thats it! Now say good night.
"Willing is not enough, we must do. Knowing is not enough, we must apply."
"I don't like jellyfish, they're not a fish, they're just a blob They don't have eyes, fins or scales, like a cod They float about stingin' people in the seas An' no one eats jellyfish with chips and mushy peas. Get rid of them!"
Nute Gunray, viceroy of the Trade Federation, stood trembling in an alcove, blood-tinged tears streaming down his green-mottled cheeks. "The war...," he whimpered. "The war is over—Lord Sidious promised—he promised we would be left in peace..." "His transmission was garbled." The blade came up. "He promised you would be left in pieces.''
ako mata ne bude igrao ni drugu, persa mi je kep mada po obichaju ima da ga popushim, ucji cje na 10min...
Moyers: What happens to the idea of the dignity of the human species if population growth continues at its present rate?
Asimov: Democracy cannot survive overpopulation. Human dignity cannot survive it. Convenience and decency cannot survive it. As you put more and more people into the world, the value of life not only declines, it disappears. It doesn't matter if someone dies. The more people there are the less one individual matters.
Nute Gunray, viceroy of the Trade Federation, stood trembling in an alcove, blood-tinged tears streaming down his green-mottled cheeks. "The war...," he whimpered. "The war is over—Lord Sidious promised—he promised we would be left in peace..." "His transmission was garbled." The blade came up. "He promised you would be left in pieces.''
pocheo Ba Kazhe mi cale da ce mu Lukaku verovatno igrati u gostima, gde mu treba razbijach.
Life is just blah blah blah. We hope for blah, and sometimes you find it, but mostly it's just blah. Waiting for blah, hoping you're right about the blahs you made. And just when you think you've got the whole blah damn thing figured out and we're surrounded by the ones we blah..
Jebote, epske su razmere u kojima ja sakujem u ovoj igri ne pricam o masovnom fasovanju mojih prvotimaca, Lukakuovih 19 minuta ukupno na 2 utakmice, nego su sad izgleda poceli i da mi se