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/includes/functions.php:3765) www.tolkien.rs • Pogledaj temu - Šta ste poslednje pročitali (od 26.09.2006)
Procitao sam drugi put Mazalov list. Ne znam zasto, ali dok sam ga ovaj put citao, nekoliko puta mi je Kafka padao na pamet, a ne secam se da mi se to desavalo kad sam prvi put citao pricu. Mozda zbog onog znacaja koji je Tolkin dao imenima u prici, i Kafkinog Jozefa K.; mozda zbog onih Glasova, i Istraznog suda koji su sudili Mazalu, i koje on ne moze da vidi, i naravno optuzba protiv Jozefa K... jos kod nekih delova price sam pronasao slicnosti sa nekoliko Kafkinih prica.
A mozda mi se to cini (jbga, setih se ovoga tek sad) zato sto sam prosle nedelje citao neke Kafkine pripovetke. Ne znam!
- Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die. - People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.
- Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die. - People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.
"Pisanje je kad izvadim smrt iz levog dzepa, bacim je u zid i uhvatim kad se odbije." You gotta love this guy!
Nemate potrebne dozvole da pogledate prikačene fajlove u ovom postu.
- Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die. - People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.
- Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die. - People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.
Upravo završih Židove "Kovače lažnog novca". Moram priznati da mi je dodatak koji je štampan uz roman, u kojem Žid govori o pisanju Kovača, mnogo zanimljiviji. Očekivala sam više. Nedavno sam pročitala i njegove "Podrume Vatikana" i taj roman mi se mnogo više dopao, sve vreme sam imala utisak da čitam nekog Rusa, stvarno jako čudan stil za Francuza . Sa druge strane, Kovači su tipičan francuski roman. Mnogo likova, mnogo tračeva, udri po pathos-u na kraju. Ako ništa drugo, sad razumem šta je Blum hteo da kaže kada ga je nazvao "piscem bez stila".
Sad imam vremena da čitam šta hoću, pa sam krenula na one "sramota me je što ih nisam čitala" knjige. Tu su recimo "Lovac u žitu" i "Veliki Getsbi". Delove Lovca sam čitala u srednjoj, ali je ovo prvi put da sam ga pročitala. Knjiga mi se uopšte ne dopada i iskreno ne razumem čemu tolika fama i danas. Znam da je to "teenage biblija", moguće je da je to jedna od onih knjiga koje sam prosto kasno uzela da čitam (kao famozni "Sofjin svet", npr). Getsbi mi se mnogo više dopao.
"Willing is not enough, we must do. Knowing is not enough, we must apply."
"I don't like jellyfish, they're not a fish, they're just a blob They don't have eyes, fins or scales, like a cod They float about stingin' people in the seas An' no one eats jellyfish with chips and mushy peas. Get rid of them!"
Franc Kafka - Moja Tvrđava. Zapisi iz njegovih neobjavljenih rukopisa, i, kako u pogovoru kaže prevodilac knjige Jovica Aćim, građa za roman koji je Kafka trebao da započne a koji je planirao da nazove "Tamnica". Moja preporuka onima koji nisu čitali.
- Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die. - People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.